Please note, this project is no longer active and is archived here for reference


Student Focus on Child Care and Protection - report available

This report describes the development of Key Capabilities in Child Care and Protection, which set out the knowledge and skills an emerging social worker should have in relation to children and their needs by the point of qualifying.

The report can be downloaded from:

Extended Link Worker Model

Anne Spiers,Learning and Development Advisor,City of Edinburgh Council shares her knowledge and experience of working with a student in a practice learning environment to meet some of the requirements of key capabilities. Using a tried and tested model where the student draws on the expertise of a range of link supervisors, Anne explains some of the benefits and challenges to this way of working.

Audio: hear about the Extended Link Supervisor Model

Downloadable PDF in the attachment below contains:

  1. An example of a student practice learning opportunity where a particular model (engaging with link supervisors) is used
  2. a diagram of the model
kc-extended-link-model-2008-04-21.pdf86.69 KB

Workshop Pack

Workshop pack developed by the Child Care and Protection Training and Development Project overseen by the Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRISS). It has been developed to be used by anyone wanting to share information about Key Capabilities and promote their use.


  • an introduction to the pack
  • a PowerPoint presentation detailing the development and aims of Key Capabilities. Where necessary the slides include explanatory notes for presenters
  • exercises which can be used to facilitate small group discussion and help participants to become familiar with the document and explain what Key Capabilities might mean for them in their role
  • 'Frequently asked questions' about Key Capabilities. These are drawn from questions asked during the workshops in September/October 2007. Both the questions and answers are on the Key Capabilities website ( and the SSSC website (
  • a leaflet which is designed for use with service users and carers, which was drawn up following consultation with user groups but which can also be used with a range of stakeholders to give information about Key Capabilities.
kc-wp-introduction-2008-03-03.doc241 KB
kp-wp-slides-for-workshop-2008-03-03.ppt228.5 KB
kc-wp-exercises-2008-03-03.doc32.5 KB
kc-wp-frequently-asked-questions-2008-03-03.doc34 KB
kc-wp-service-user-carer-information-2008-03-03.doc98 KB

Feedback from Key Capability Workshops

During the national Key Capability workshops a range of ideas were shared by participants in respect of each of the 4 main KC headings, Effective Communication; Knowledge and Understanding; Professional Competence; Values and Ethical Practice.The results of these discussions have been drawn together by the project team and are presented here linked to feedback from the workshops in Aberdeen, Glasgow, Dundee and Edinburgh.

kc-effective-communication-2007-11-29.doc30 KB
kc-knowledge-and-understanding-2007-11-29.doc32.5 KB
kc-professionally-competent-and-confident-2007-11-29.doc34.5 KB
kc-values-and-ethical-practice-2007-11-29.doc34.5 KB

Seminar Presentation

The formal presentation from the seminar events for those of you who were there and may want to revisit some of the information and for those of you who couldn't attend and yet want to see what is being shared. We would emphasise that the value of the events is in the rich discussion between participants for which the presentation alone cannot be a substitute.

kc-seminarpresentation-2007-09.ppt119 KB