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VSA background
Course content
Audio & video
Further reading
Tackling volatile substance abuse in Scotland
a training course for the social care workforce
Course content: Table of contents
1. Substance recognition
Which products can be abused?
Warning signs
Fuel gases
Solvent-based glue
Typewriter correction fluid
Key points
2. Risks
Health risks
Social risks
Case study (part one)
Legal risks
Key points
3. Communication
Attitudes, behaviour and motivations of youong people
Factors effecting communication
Encouraging a positive approach
Key points
4. Assessment
The Integrated Assesment Planning and Recording Framework (IAF)
The Assessment Triangle
Guidance on the child’s or young person’s plans
Case study (part two)
The law
Children’s hearings
Recognising young people at risk
Evidence of VSA
Reasons why people use volatile substances
User categories
Length and frequency of abuse
Long-term use
Case study (user categories) — an experimental user
Case study (user categories) — an accelerator
Case study (user categories) — a problematic user
Key points
5. Intervention & referral
Helping young people at risk
The purpose of couselling
Reducing the risk
The local community
Key points
Further sources of help
Case study (part three)
6. Prevention
Ensuring fewer young people have VSA problems
Key points
7. Medical emergencies
Drug situations
First aid
8. Products associated with VSA
Product table
Course sections:
Substance recognition
Intervention & referral
Medical emergencies
Products associated with VSA