Throughcare: Stages in the Provision of a Throughcare Service to Prisoners

Throughcare Map

Recall Parole, Plus Extended Sentence of More Than Four Years

Following recall to custody the prisoner is interviewed by a Parole Board member and may also make written representation. In some circumstances re-release may be swift and it is therefore important that prison social workers and supervising officers provide reports and release plans to the Parole Board as a matter of urgency.

The prison social worker should meet with the prisoner to discuss his release plans in the event of re-release e.g. proposed address. The supervising officer must also make any necessary arrangements in preparation for re-release e.g. check that accommodation is available. The workers should also liaise to discuss an updated risk assessment and whether any additional conditions of the licence should be considered.

In recall cases an ICM Case Conference will be held and will focus on the issues surrounding the prisoner's return to custody and the revision of the risk assessment and risk management plan. ICM Recall Case Conferences should be held as soon as practically possible, but within six weeks at the latest following return to custody.

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Please note that the contents of Throughcare Map have not been updated since 2009. As a result, certain of the processes described here may no longer be current and accurate. It remains online as an historical resource, but has been superseded by Youth & criminal justice in Scotland: the young person's journey.