Scottish Prison Service
Sentence Planning
![Throughcare Map](img/map-sps-3.png)
Induction Sentence Planning
Following admission, prisoners undergo an induction process that involves them being provided with information about prison rules, visiting arrangements, preparation for work, education and training courses, activities, health services etc. The prison social worker participates in the induction process and is able to provide information about the social work services available and how to access them.
During this time, prisoners also undergo a Prisoner Supervision System (PSS) assessment. This will inform their supervision level which may be high, medium or low and determines what activities and movements will be authorised and how closely they will be monitored by prison staff.
The National Strategy for the Management of Offenders, which was published by the Scottish Executive in May 2006, envisages a more integrated, consistent management of offenders in both the community and in custody. This also takes into account the level of risk posed by each individual with the aim of protecting the public by reducing reoffending.
In response to this strategy, the Scottish Prison Service, in consultation with partner agencies, including the Scottish Executive Justice Department, the Association of Directors of Social Work and the Police, has developed an Integrated Case Management System that brings together the key tasks from SPS's Sentence Management process and CJSW Circular 12/2002, merging them into one integrated process.
Scottish Prison Service staff will follow the ICM processes for all prisoners whereas the involvement of social work staff will vary depending on the type of case and the assessed need for involvement. ICM will be delivered to all convicted prisoners and not only those serving four years or over. Intervention will differ in intensity according to assessed risk and not, as was previously the case, length of sentence. ICM will utilise the input of all service providers through an IT based system — SPS's PR2. This will become the standard case management system for prison based staff.
All prisoners will undergo a Core Screen assessment on entry to prison and in the case of long term prisoners will leave with a "Community Integration Plan" This is to ensure a clear pathway through custody for offenders and should encourage engagement with the planning process, a more responsible approach to addressing difficulties and therefore desistance from offending on release. The ICM system should also ensure that interventions are sequenced appropriately and that all relevant information is shared with service providers to facilitate a holistic planning process.