Your project plan
This course has focused on how you can create space for collaborative working when you cannot be physically together with people. By working through the course and completing the activities at the end of each unit, you will now have a project plan that includes the following completed exercises:
- Project values - what makes your project unique and what success looks like.
- Expressing your values - thinking about ways to communicate your values. When we are working on projects that will be remote, it is really important to consider how we can make then stand out.
- The drivers of your project - gaps, strengths, risks - work through the following conversation prompts with your project team or on your own.
- Your asset bank - what resources you already have to support your remote project idea
- Power dynamics - in terms of your project focus, who tends to be impacted by decisions that are made, and who tends to make those decisions?
- Who is who? - who will be involved in the project
- Addressing power imbalance - identify barriers to inclusion and ideas for overcoming them
- Trust builder - effective group working is about relationships and trust. This is even more crucial if you will be working remotely.
- Staying connected - for a remote project communication strategy there are many different digital tools that you can use to facilitate your project and stay connected.
- Digital comfort zone - reflect on how you could do some more focused learning to help build your confidence with digital tools.
- Create a cultural probe - cultural probes work by revealing small insights into peoples’ lives, which can then inspire a group to come up with new ideas.
- Session plan - a place to think about and plan your individual sessions.
- Project planning timeline - using the timeline tool, visually map out what you will need to do, when, and what resources you will need to do it.
- Exploring evaluation - how you will measure the success of the project
In addition to this practical project plan, you will have a greater understanding of how to make distance working more accessible, inclusive, meaningful and rewarding. You will also have a better understanding of the landscape of tools and technologies that are available to support your work. Well done!
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