
Development and structure

This resource explores the intersectionality of Gypsy/Traveller identity and provides valuable insight for social work professionals. It platforms the voices of Gypsy/Traveller communities on notions of identity and intersectionality of marginalisation.

It was researched and written by Davie Donaldson, a Scottish Traveller Activist and Social Entrepreneur and founder of Progress in Dialogue.

Listen to Davie share what he learned through developing this resource

As part of the research, Davie interviewed several people from the Gypsy/Traveller community to share their personal experiences to inform this resource. These stories were developed into case studies. The resource is in three sections:


This provides background to the culture of Gypsy/Traveller communities and explores the relationship social work has had historically with these communities.

Our Voices

Focuses on Gypsy/Traveller lived experience, particularly on gender and LGBTQI+ identity. Through hearing the personal stories of community members, professionals can be more culturally aware and sensitive to inequalities faced by Gypsy/Traveller communities.

Improving practice: Practical steps

Provide guidance that reflects on the role of social work in understanding Gypsy/Traveller intersectionality – how to embed culturally proficient practice and challenge unconscious bias.


Those who use this resource will gain:

  • Increased awareness and understanding about Gypsy/Traveller culture and historical relationship with social work
  • Increased awareness and knowledge of intersectionality, identities and inequalities
  • Improved confidence in challenging unconscious bias
  • Improved confidence in culturally sensitive practice with Gypsy/Travellers


We’d love to get your feedback on this resource, how you’ve used it and what, if any, difference it’s made. This short survey will take five minutes and will be really helpful to inform future resource development.

Iriss is a charitable company limited by guarantee. Registered in Scotland: No 313740. Scottish Charity No: SC037882. Registered Office: 5 South Charlotte Street, Edinburgh. EH2 4AN.